Tuesday, June 9, 2009

my art camp

I have been taking the Springdale art camp. I will be honest, i used to draw bad, but know i draw nice and pretty now. Guess how much it was $100, i know that is a lot i owe my mom BIG TIME! Idont know what i will do to pay my mom back. If u have any susgesstion then leave a comment. Please!


  1. Helping her with babysitting would be awesome, but I know my mom and dad could use some help pulling weeds. Maybe they can pay you.

  2. Just being a good son and not disappointing your mom is worth a million dollars.

  3. The last comment was from Sayda.

  4. Maybe you can empty the garbage and take it out to the dumpster without asking her. Just do it. You can also help her empty the dishwasher.

  5. By the way... our new address is

    Since I use first names, I didn't want them connected to our last name.
